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Seguiremos creciendo juntos, yo me lo propuse y lo estoy logrando. Piensa en seguir tus sue?os y concrétalos, el camino es difícil y largo pero nunca te rindas, porque la vida te da oprtunidades, no las desaproveches.

By the early 1980s, there were more than 3,000 sewing machines in the world, of which about 600 were often used in production and gradually used in industry. By the mid-1980s, with the change of market and structure, the product structure of European countries had changed. Medium and low speed industrial sewing machines have been used to accelerate the speed of sewing machines. The electronic and computer technologies of sewing machines have been diversified and widely used. The installation of auxiliary copier systems has been completed. A wide regional network of sewing machine pollution has been established: some sewing companies have absorbed advanced technology after introducing it abroad.

But the problem of accessories has not been solved. Since then, my family has been selling sewing machine accessories with backpacks...



contrabajo y esfuerzo.